Learning, Teaching and Leading in this Digital Age
I have been anticipating this day for about a month now since I learned about a Twitter book study on a book called Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times by Eric Sheninger. As an instructional coach in a district that is very rich in technology, this book really appealed to me.
With the roll out of iPads in PreK-2 grade, iPods in 3-5th grade and BYOD in upper grades, you would think that teachers would be embracing all this new technology, but after three years since being introduced, few teachers have really embraced it.
Not only are teachers not embracing it, neither are many campus administrators. This book examines the need for changing our teaching methods to meet the needs of today’s learners. “Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.” Mark Prensky
Do students in your class or campus consume technology more than use it to create and innovate?
After reading a book by Tony Wagner called Creating Innovators, it was clear to me that if we are to prepare students for jobs that do not even exist yet, we need to be learning, teaching and leading in this digital age. As educators we need to foster creativity and champion innovation.
Watch Tony Wagner’s video book preview and be inspired. How important is innovation?
If you would like to participate in the Twitter book study or just want to follow along follow hashtag #educoach beginning this Wednesday, March 19 at 9 PM central time. It is a fast 1 hour study that I promise will leave you motivated and inspired.

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